Restaurant Interior Design
Why is Restaurant Interior Design Important?
Often, television shows about restaurants depict chefs and assistants trying to squeeze between banks of ovens, through dark kitchens, bumping into each other and nearly spilling pots full of soup, and general chaos. While this may be considered "good TV," it is awful for a real-world restaurant. Overcrowded and dark kitchens full of hard-to-avoid, hot equipment, and easily-spillable pots of steaming food are nothing more than worker's comp claims waiting to happen. Take a good look at your kitchen from a lawyer's standpoint. If you start thinking of personal injury lawsuits and the opinion of the local worker safety administration, it's time for a new kitchen layout.
The first step for redoing the kitchen layout that has these hazards is to spread things out. It needs to be easy for workers to avoid bumping their rears on hot ranges, and to avoid bumping into each other while moving big, heavy dishes full of food around. You'll be surprised to find that once that is done, the kitchen will be far more efficient. People move much faster and more surely when they aren't worried about who or what they're going to run into. Other upgrades, such as non-slip mats, will increase safety and efficiency even more.
Restaurant interior design is also important in the dining room. There, guests who have no practice dodging chairs and tables must move around along with the waitstaff, all without collision danger. Not only that, your restaurant interior design must be esthetically pleasing, so people feel good about coming in and sitting down for a meal.
One of the best ways to take care of both design needs is to hire a restaurant operations specialist like RS Hospitality Consulting. They know how to balance your needs with those of your staff and guests to produce optimal results.